You can support the work of Aberdeen Citizens Advice Bureau either as an individual or as a company. Details are shown below.
Individual Supporters
These are some of the benefits of being an Individual Supporter:
Help ACAB make life better in Aberdeen
Receive regular news from ACAB
Invitations to ACAB events such as quizzes
Kits to run fund-raising events
Information on how you can get involved
We invite you to make a donation to support the work of ACAB using the Donate button below. Your donation will:
Make a financial difference to the Bureau’s clients
Improve their quality of life
Support our team of paid staff and volunteers
Empower our clients to solve their problems
Corporate Supporters
These are some of the benefits of becoming a Corporate Supporter:
Help ACAB make life better in Aberdeen
Access to an Ambassador to talk with staff
Receive regular news from ACAB
Invitations to ACAB events such as quizzes
Kits to run fund-raising events
Information on how your business can get involved
A copy of our Annual Report
An invitation to our AGM
Corporate Supporter Certificate
We invite your company to make a donation to support the work of ACAB using the donate button below. Your donation will
Make a financial difference to the Bureau’s clients
Improve their quality of life
Support our team of paid staff and volunteers
Empower our clients to solve their problems
Policy Note: Please note that the bureaux offer free, impartial, and confidential advice. Whilst a bureau is appreciative of donations, they are not expected and should not be considered as ‘payment’ for a bureau’s services received by the individual but instead as a ‘gift’ to help aid the overall work of the bureau as a charity.